Tuesday, April 14, 2009



    D.A. Carson writes:
"How can a thoughtful Christian be genuinely contemporary while never succumbing to the merely faddish and temporary? The challenges are enormous—but they are also tied to the most elementary tenets of Christian faithfulness. Tullian Tchividjian is a helpful guide through these troubled waters."

     Timothy Keller writes:
"Tullian Tchividjian bravely steps into one of the hottest debates in contemporary evangelicalism—the divisive issue of how Christians should relate to our broader culture. He does so with grace, providing us with one of the most accessible guides to this issue that we have...Here you will learn how we must contextualize, how we Christians should be as active in Hollywood, Wall Street, Greenwich Village, and Harvard Square as in the halls of Washington DC. And yet there are ringing calls to form a distinct, “thick” Christian counterculture as perhaps the ultimate witness to the presence of the future, the coming of the kingdom...Read it carefully and you will profit greatly."

      Michael Horton writes:
"With the right balance of reproof and encouragement, critique, and construction, Unfashionable displays with succinct, vivid, and engaging clarity the relevance of the gospel over the trivialities that dominate our lives and our churches right now."