Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Tree 2008

Last night was the official lighting of the family Christmas tree. Now that we are "empty nesters" there was not the usual struggle to get the kids to participate. Nancy and I teamed up and got everything done in a couple of hours. We fixed a pot of peppermint coffee and talk about the ornaments collected over the years. This is really a great time of year, if one can get away from all the commercialization of Christmas.

We need to take some time to reflect on Christ who came as fully God and yet as fully man to save us from our sins. Americans today have grown up in a culture of "if it's to be then it's up to me." But Jesus plainly says in "apart from Me, you can do nothing." Isn't that the struggle with Christianity among those who reject the truth of God's word? We will either be man focused and die in our sins or God-focused and embrace the cross, cast ourselves on the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus and gain eternal life. There is no amount of logic or reason that can get someone into the kingdom because only Jesus can accomplish that feat.

Merry Christmas to each of you that may be regulars or even new to this blog. And without further adue let's get on with the official Christmas tree lighting for the 2008 year!

Christmas Tree Part1

Christmas Tree Part2