The random thoughts and postings from the life of a pastor
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Listen Biblically to sermons preached
Joel Osteen is at it again. Preaching what people want to hear instead of what is in the Bible. This is a "name it and claim it" or "blab it and grab it" type of prosperity gospel that is a TOTAL distortion of God's word. Many, many people are deceived to the point where they embrace and go for these types of messages hook, line and sinker. As Chris Rosebrough says in the review of this short audio clip, this is nothing short than the doctrine of demons. Folks remember this is from the man who has the largest church audience in America. The ears are getting tickled because people are coming to hear exactly what they want, but unfortunately it is not what the Bible says!
What does false teaching sound like...Listen carefully to this short audio clip Joel Osteen twisting Scripture - Rosebrough
Dangers of prosperity gospel - John Piper
Tsunami Interview by NPR
Check your salvation - John Piper
Questions about election - John MacArthur
Comtemplative Spirituality-Rosebrough