Saturday, August 18, 2007


Many people in the church get intimidated when they hear the word doctrine. They often think that the study of doctrine is for theologians, pastors or elders only. But the word doctrine can be defined as what the whole Bible has to say about any particular subject. For example there are 8 major doctrines that Christians we need to study and be able to discuss with others. They are as follows:
1. The Doctrine of God
2. The Doctrine of the Word
3. The Doctrine of man
4. The Doctrine of Christ
5. The Doctrine of the Spirit
6. The Doctrine of the Church
7. The Doctrine of Salvation
8. The Doctrine of End Times

If you are interested in studying more about these doctrines may I point you to Wayne Grudem's book called Bible Doctrine as one of the best resources available. For those who want to go even deeper into these doctrines Dr. Grudem has another book called Systematic Theology that is used by many of the evangelical seminaries.

A sound study of Bible doctrine will help you develop healthy categories as you read through the Scriptures. The things that you behold in your mind are what you eventually become in your life. When one studies doctrine correctly and consistently then one can understand how "right thinking" leads a person to "right doing."

Get to know your Bible doctrine and you will get to know your God in a much more intense and intimate way!