Monday, August 20, 2007

Problem solved!

Hey folks for years as a pastor and someone in full time ministry I have gotten lots of critical feedback. People have sent emails, made phone calls or even said in person that I am stubborn, hard headed or as they say in the south "thick." Let's stop beating around the bush here and just shuck the corn all the way down to the cob. Basically people have been telling me that I have a head problem. But guess what they are wrong--- I don't have a head problem at all I have a foot problem. And today my sweetie pie of over 30 years I might add is going to get me the "Strassburg Sock." Let me illustrate my problem for you via this picture:
Therefore contrary to earlier reports "pastor B" does not have a head problem but he does have a foot problem. According to a study done patients using the Strassburg sock were completely cured in a little over 18 days!