Friday, March 28, 2008

Devotion time in 2 Samuel

Occasionally I will write a note to our men's Bible study group after a devotion time in God's word. I don't think they would mind me sharing this with you so I decided to put it on the blog site. I am no theologian or great Biblical scholar. My purpose is to encourage you to have a daily time in the Bible. Don't rush it and don't make it a task that you check off on your to do list. This needs to be a precious time of fellowship and private prayer and worship with you and God Himself. Most of you could not get a meeting with President George Bush but Jesus Christ is willing and able to meet with you anytime, both day and night. Does that not bring you to some level of thankfulness and praise? I hope this devotion sharing will encourage you in your ongoing walk with our Lord Jesus.

This morning my devotion time was in 2 Samuel Chapters 11-14. It is the section of Scripture that deals with David's wrongdoing, Nathan's rebuke and then David's regret.
What more could King David have had a the time of his tremendous fall into sin:
- He had material wealth
- He had the best credentials as a military commander
- He was socially successful
- He had future prosperity
- In essence King David had it all

But what was on the outside does not always reflect what is happening on the inside. There was a steady erosion in the heart of King David in his ability to withstand temptation. And then one fateful day he found himself viewing a beautiful women that was bathing, instead of being on the battlefield with his men which is where he belonged. Isn't that the message of sin in our lives? It takes us to the wrong place, at the wrong time and encourages us to do the wrong things. Guys this was King David the man who is described in the Bible as one who was after the heart of God.

There is a lesson here for each of us. Where is spiritual erosion taking place in our lives? Where are we setting ourselves up for future heartaches by ignoring the warning signs from God? What tragedy could happen to me or to you by taking our eyes squarely off of God? Shouldn't someone have been around King David to speak truth into his life? If you read the story you see that God provided the prophet Nathan to speak truth in his life after these events. Which side of that would you rather be on, the speak truth to me before it happens or proclaim the word of God to me after it happens?

convicted by His word,