Tuesday, March 17, 2009

William Young author of The Shack denies "the penal substitution of Christ"

This is a warning to all orthodox evangelicals who put their stamp on the authority of the Bible for faith and practice. Many within the orthodox church are reading, embracing and endorsing a book written by William Young who is the author of the best selling book called "The Shack." However without an understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity and the doctrine of substitutionary atonement we are creating problems for believers and potential new believers. William Young is so far from the orthodox beliefs that you can't even see his tail lights. Folks it is time to wake up and smell the coffee. I have in this article obtained a recent interview with William Young, he is on a cell phone in an airport. If you want the entire interview with all the context you can go to this LINK and listen to the whole radio program. This is from "Fighting for the Faith" blog site which is an apologetic web site to discern basic Biblical teaching today in the church.

This is the core of the interview and the response of William Young himself when asked if he thinks Christ went to the cross to pay for the punishment of our sins. For those who have been defending William Young and his book I would suggest that you listen to this short audio and then the entire radio program in which he is interviewed. Please understand if you are an orthodox evangelical, this is an essential an absolute essential as to the Christian faith.

I think William Young and his book "The Shack" should not be on a recommended reading list for any Christian. Unless they want to use it from a defense of the faith as what not to believe and teach because of its HERESY!

Here is the short audio clip
William Young author of THE SHACK denies the doctrine of "penal substitution"