Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The failure of church discipline

Have you ever done a study on the phrase "one another" from the New Testament? It is really amazing to see what these one another's are and how we should be living together in fellowship within the local church. There is one overall serious problem in the American church today that is known but rarely spoken. And this is in the area of church discipline as it relates to the one anothers. As a pastor and elder for the last 4 years I have much experience in this particular area. In many homes there is little honoring or acknowledgment of the role of the elders especially when it comes to this subject of discipline. Some of the most hurtful and disappointing situations I found about professing Christians is what they say and how they respond when confronted with sin. Alan Redpath said it best "the American church can not agree on what sin is." Based on this statement is there any wonder why the church is not influencing the culture but rather why the culture is influencing the church.

I once was counseling a person in our home when I told them that it was Biblical to obey the leadership in the church. Obviously this means you should trust the leadership unless you have a reason not to trust them. When this particular person heard that statement from my mouth that said in a rather caustic manner "where is that in the Bible." I tried to as gently and patiently as possible refer them to Heb. 13:17Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.
Unfortunately it fell on ears that were unwilling to hear!

What is the church discipline policy of the church you attend?
Do you agree with it?
Are you willing to submit to it assuming that the statement is Biblical?
How will others be allowed into your life that can admonish and teach you?
Is this even part of your decision criteria when picking a church?