Thursday, April 3, 2008

Is your salvation genuine?

Here is my audio message of a recent training session at Carmel Baptist Church. This was a challenge to the group regarding salvation as described in the Bible.

Folks, I think there are many people sitting in our churches today who think they are saved and yet they are not. So many people throw around the word "Christian" that it would seem almost everyone you talk to, especially in Charlotte, is one. However the Lord Jesus has some very straight forward and clear comments within the Bible on what it means to be a genuine Christian. Again I want to emphasize what seems to be a huge misunderstanding in our evangelical churches. Praying a prayer, walking an aisle, raising a hand, signing a card, joining a church or even getting baptized by the pastor will not make you a Christian. The only way a person can get saved is by the Lord Jesus Christ! No man can save himself and no man can take credit for his salvation. We learned last night in Mark Chapter 10 that the disciples when referring to the words of Jesus about those who are rich then ask "who then can be saved?" And the reply of the Lord Jesus was with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Also how are going to interpret verses like Matthew 7:21-23? There will be people who say Lord, Lord which is an actual professing of the name of Jesus. And yet even though they professed His name, and even did miracles, prophesying, and cast out demons the Lord Jesus will tell these people to depart for He never knew them. Do you think the most important thing is that you know Jesus? Well according to the words of Scripture the most important thing from this verse is that Jesus knows you. And then the context defines what this looks like in the life of a genuine believer.

Is your salvation genuine?
- Pastor B teaching at Carmel Baptist