Thursday, November 13, 2008

Is Rob Bell a heretic?

This is an unedited sample of a video done by Rob Bell called "Rain." If you are a new Christian or have been a Christian for awhile you need to become aware of Rob Bell and his teaching. It is NOT and I repeat it is NOT considered to be within the evangelical ORTHODOX camp. As a matter of fact many of today's top evangelical pastors and theologians are calling Rob Bell a heretic in the church. Yes that is strong language but the Lord Jesus says in in the last days false teachers will lead many astray. We had some key church leaders, who unknown to me at the time were embracing Rob Bell and his teaching. In this day of ignore your Bible and be tolerant, Rob Bell has picked up quite a following. However when you examine Rob's teaching against the plumb line of the Scriptures you quickly find he is off base.

Also for those who want to explore this subject in greater depth here is a fairly recent LINK regarding Rob Bell and the Dali Lama appearing at the "Seeds of Compassion" conference in Seattle. If you will notice in the 17 spiritual leaders from around the world the emergent church offers two which are Rob Bell and Doug Pagitt. Again both of these gentlemen are considered to be outside the parameters of the orthodox church. If you want to see a scary video regarding Pagitt's church then click on this LINK.

Listen carefully and see if you hear the FULL gospel as Rob Bell tells us in this video how to have a relationship with God.