Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Obama or Bush a Christian?

Of course since we live in a pluralistic culture that is an offensive way to start an article. I mean can't we all just be happy and agree that there are many pathways to heaven. Hmmm...the answer for the Christian is NO!

Here is a video on this pastor's take why Barack Obama is not a Christian and then I provide a LINK for the rest of this discussion. It is bothersome to me as a pastor that many people today are throwing around the word Christian but have no idea of its Biblical meaning. But for those with ears to hear and eyes to see check out this video.

OK, in the interest of fairness here is a video of President George Bush being interviewed by Charlie Gibson. And according to this definition by Bush himself it is not consistent with the Scriptures. So I don't think the main stream evangelical orthodox church would include Obama or Bush.