Saturday, January 26, 2008

Checking in...

Fellow blog readers when I went to the court house two weeks ago little did I know what awaited me on that day. Anyway long story short I was selected to serve on a jury and let's just say I am not through yet. Therefore the blogs have been few and far between but I am hoping to be back within the near future. Here is a quick post that I thought to be on the lighter side of ministry. This is from Erik Raymond's Blog:

This is a great story. Bruce Shoop and his wife, Brenda Williams are self-proclaimed ‘cannabis-ministers’. They were arrested for growing a 28 pound marijuana plant in their yard which they have been using for religious sacraments. Smoking the weed is alleged to ‘open the mind’ and allow them to better ‘experience God’.

Doesn’t this sound like something a pot head would say? You can just see them sitting around the bong and after a particularly successful day of removing brain cells, saying, “This stuff is so awesome. It is like worship. I feel like I know God.” And then the other guy is like, “Yes. Me too. I am a Cannabis Minister.” And there you go—instant religion.

Stay tuned for the Cocaine Clergy, Meth Ministers and other Pot Pastors. Unbelievable.