Friday, October 31, 2008

20 steps to genuine legalism

This will take years of practice but here are some practical steps you can take in order to get the process started.

I am writing this from experience and some years ago could fit into most if not all of these descriptions. This is a deadly disease and it creeps up frequently disguised as religious behavior.
We walk a fine line or as Dr. Howell at C.I.U. would say in constant tension as we apply the Scripture. Of course we need to be truth and grace but how frequently do we move to one extreme or the other. So where this is a blog on steps to legalism maybe down the road I will write one on liberalism or easy believism. But without further ado...

1. Stay totally away from the local church

2. Get isolated from others except close family and do nothing but study

3. Always demand either orally or silently that you are right no matter what you say or do.

4. Learn to be critical of everyone else and their puny theological takes on the Scripture

5. Tell others that church history for 2000 years is virtually unimportant and you have some new and very unique takes on God's word

6. Talk about yourself at every opportunity, your favorite word is "I"

7. Write letters to constantly correct leadership in the church in order to get those dummies back on track, remember you are right!

8. Never submit to anyone, especially pastors or elders even if it is Biblical

9. Constantly talk about those around you in a way that is condescending and negative

10. Learn the best way to twist Scripture so that when you are confronted with sin you can justify it in your own mind

11. Tell others to read the Bible and do it, even if you don't. (For example: no church attendance, no small group, no submission to leadership, no humility, no repentance, no church discipline)

12. Make fun of others that go to seminary, because of their lack of discipline to learn it all on their own.

13. If you find that much of your theology is bad, wrong and dangerous call every one else a heretic!

14. Intimidate all those in your family, business or sphere of influence in order to always be in control

15. Pretend to repent if others confront your sin but never allow them to hold you accountable. Because in your heart you know you are right.

16. Make a list of all the places you used to go to church and then rationalize how they were wrong.

17. If you can teach, tell people how much you have studied, give lots of research in order to impress, and tell them they can use none of your materials!

18. Find one or two people that you can constantly put down in order to bring yourself up

19. Never ask family members if they see your main problem as one of legalism, because they might get brave and tell you what they really think

20. Be comforted with this constant and ongoing thought "I'm always right."