Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Know your Bible doctrine!

In pastoring a church for 4 years one of the biggest disappointments has been the overall lack in understanding basic Bible doctrine. As Christians today in the church there seem to be few that know the difference between the essentials and non-essentials that are taught in the Scriptures. Therefore it should not surprise us when the apostle Paul writes in 2Tim. 4:3 - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.

Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston Texas which has approximately 30,000 members. He has written a best selling book called "Your best life now" that has sold millions of copies. But does Joel Osteen preach and teach sound Biblical doctrine? How sad when professing Christians don't understand basic Bible doctrines to know if what is being preached is right or wrong according to God's word.

I am posting this video in protest not only to Joel Osteen's message but to all that preach a gospel of health, wealth and prosperity. Also I have included a link from a blog of Michael Spencer who has done much research on Joel Osteen and his preaching for the last several years. Unfortunately I think that those who adopt the theology and methodology of Joel Osteen are becoming more and more popular in the American church. Hey we are American Christians who reside under the banner of "if it's to be then it's up to me." Therefore we carry the mindset of a consumer into the church which basically can be summed up in the following words - "It is all about me." As long as the message, music, ministry and method is focused on me and my needs then you can count on me to come and maybe even contribute. This is producing an apathetic and ignorant group of church goers that people in the world are not attracted to in the least. And why should they be? There is no real difference from this professing Christian and the normal everyday pagan except the Christian has to go to church on Sunday while the non-believing neighbor can go play golf.

Here is a part of Michael Spencer's review of Joel Osteen's message. In order to read the review in full you can go to this link.
"Any analysis of Joel Osteen’s theology is going to have a hard time saying he is proclaiming the Christian message. The most popular preacher in Christianity is proclaiming a theology that is neither Christian, nor Jewish, nor Muslim, but is pragmatically pagan. Pagan in the sense of finding ways to gain the favor of god so he will do good things for you. Manipulating the deity to give you blessings. This is the ultimate example of Luther’s “theology of glory” chosen over the “theology of the cross.” I would rather a non-Christian hear John Shelby Spong a hundred times than hear this. Spong denies it all- outright. Osteen is presented as a Christian, but his message isn’t going to bring you to Christ, the Kingdom or heaven. It’s spiritual cyanide disguised as candy. If there is a hell, Osteen’s message won’t stop you or the people you love from going there, because the savior in his messages is YOU and the salvation he offers is a NEW ATTITUDE, and some resulting real estate."

My advice is simple and straightforward to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. READ the Bible!