Today we have a special treat for our poochen neeners (Anna's name for our three dogs when speaking of them collectively). The folks from Outback Dog Wash are coming over this morning to give them a bath and pedicure. The girls really like to go to the beauty shop and when the Outback truck pulls up in the driveway the adventure begins.
Later on today Nancy and I are looking forward to time at supper with Greg and Danielle Smith. The plan is to meet them at Queen Anne's Revenge which is located on Daniel Island. Greg is the pastor of Pier Pont Baptist in Charleston and a fellow student with me at Columbia International University.
Between the dog washing and dinner I hope to prepare for our men's Bible study that is titled "Knowing Him and making Him known." In this particular study session we have Kelly Bartlett, Phil Clark, Harry Watkins, Donn Truax, Steve Brown and Bill Easton.