Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ruthie to emergency room

Yesterday Ruthie and I were playing Frisbee in the backyard. When we came in Nancy noticed that she had a rather large gash on her front left foot between the ankle and elbow. We immediately got on the phone to different vets and ended up taking her to Banfield Vet Care which is located at PetsMart. There were two options for her treatment the first option included putting her under sedation and sewing up the cut, the second option was to flush out and wrap up and let heal as an open air wound. The first option was take 10 days and the second about 3 weeks. We opted for option two and they send her home with antibiotics along with some pain medication for the first week. The doctors name was Harry Smith and the whole experience was very good in spite of the injury to our youngest 4 legged child.