Thursday, February 14, 2008

Which kingdom are you living for?

There are basically two kingdoms. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of self. How easy it is for the culture to drive us toward self and away from God. However you and I were hardwired to know and experience the greatness of His glory. Have you ever watched a beautiful sunset at the beach? Have you stopped on a fall day to look at the leaves while driving in the mountains? Have you ever been to Times Square in the middle of New York City? In those moments we are captured by beauty, grandeur and the awesomeness of what we are seeing at the moment. And in those moments we are totally unaware of our selves. When we have these moments and they are far too infrequent we start to understand that we were made for something much greater than ourselves.

David Paul Tripp in his new book A Quest for More has some questions for extensive meditation:
What kingdom are you actually living for?
What is the good life that you daily pursue?
What hope gets you up in the morning and keeps you going throughout the day?
Is Christ the center of your life?
If I were to watch a video of your last month, listening to what you said and why you said it, what would I notice most?
If I watched how you made decisions and related to others, noting what you were interested in and fought for, what kingdom would it reveal?
If I saw how you dealt with your responsibility and invested your free time, and if I saw you in both busy and quiet moments, even hear you silent conversations with yourself, would I conclude that Christ is the center of your life?
Is He really your source, your motive, your goal, and your hope?
Is it possible that your Christianity may, in fact, exclude Christ?
Is it maybe possible that the kingdom of self is alive and well, smack dab in the middle of the kingdom of God?