Here are the audio messages from the recent Desiring God Conference:
1. “The Tongue, the Bridle, and the Blessing: An Exposition of James 3:1-12” by Sinclair Ferguson (DG blog)
2. Friday Panel Discussion (Driscoll, Ferguson, Piper) (DG blog)
3. “Words of Wonder: What Happens When We Sing?” by Bob Kauflin (DG blog)
4. “How Sharp the Edge: Christ, Controversy, and Cutting Words” by Mark Driscoll (DG blog)
5. “The Life-Shaping Power of Story: God’s and Ours” by Daniel Taylor (DG blog)
6. Saturday Panel Discussion (Kauflin, Piper, Taylor, Tripp) (DG blog)
7. “War of Words: Getting to the Heart for God’s Sake” by Paul Tripp (DG blog)
8. “Is There Christian Eloquence? Clear Words and the Wonder of the Cross” by John Piper (DG blog)