Friday, October 31, 2008

Election Day or Judgment Day?

I have spent some time thinking about election day next Tuesday. But as I ponder many of the things that occupy my mind the one thing that most occupies it is the judgment day. Election days will come and go but at the judgment day all things become final.

Jesus Christ, God incarnate did come to planet earth, was born of a virgin, was fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life and was sinless, died on a cross was buried and on the third day and He really rose from the dead. I thankfully have cast myself on the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and have received Him as LORD and savior of my life. There was nothing in me deserving of nor meriting my salvation. Since it was nothing I did but everything that He did there is no way I can boast. How can I boast about a gift that was freely given and also knowing that I had nothing to offer. If someone were to ask me how do I know these truths it would be based on God's word which I have learned through much study and research is:
1. Inspired
2. Infallible
3. Inerrant
Even if I had not done the research these things about the Bible remain true, whether I believe them to be or not. I have used the example before in training about gravity. You can go to the top of the Sears building in Chicago and say all day long that you don't believe in gravity. But as soon as you jump, your wrong and incorrect belief system will yield to a natural law that will overcome your belief system.

Election day is about who will be our President for the next 4 years but at the judgment day we will have our eternal destinies either secured in heaven or in hell.
I have heard that C.S. Lewis would argue this way with his non-believing friends and family members. He would say something to this effect "Let's say you are right and there are many ways to heaven and no hell at all. Then my believing in Christ this way will still result in me reaching the same destination for eternity. However if I am right in this regard in which Jesus says in "I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but through Me" and you are wrong then you will spend an eternity away from God in hell. C.S. Lewis was arguing a protect yourself from a worst case scenario. If you don't believe in Christ then hell is the non-believers only alternative, and that is worst case.

Election day is a cause for some anxiety and worry based on the candidate of choice and future implications. But judgment day is a cause for the most critical and important thinking one can ever do because your eternity is what hangs in the balance.

Romans 3:23 says this "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Your sin and my sin have offended a holy God to the decree that if not paid for will result in our everlasting punishment. Folks you could spend 50 years building hospitals in third world countries that might save millions of lives and still go to hell. Because your works will not earn your way into heaven. We need someone to pay the full price for our sins and that person is Jesus Christ. When we cast ourselves on the mercy of Christ at the cross, trust and receive Him as Lord and Savior, then He pays the penalty of our sin (past, present and future) and breaks the power of sin in our life. At the cross of Christ there is a great exchange. All of my sin is imputed to Christ and all of Christ's righteousness is imputed to me. Just think of this transaction, He doesn't deserve my sin but takes it on and absorbs it, I don't deserve any of His righteousness but He gives it to me freely. And the truth of the cross of Christ is as follows, to those who are perishing it is complete foolishness but to those who are being saved it is the power of God!

Therefore my time, effort, attention and energy will be spent by God's grace teaching and exhorting others to keep the main thing the main thing. And that is judgment day not election day!