Thursday, October 23, 2008

Preaching the Law

Rick Warren is probably the best known current Christian pastor in America. I would put him a little bit ahead of Joel Osteen at this point. Anyone that can attract two presidential candidates for a debate like Warren has some serious clout. Anyway I am thankful and amazed how God has orchestrated my week. As I have been preparing for Sunday through reading, devotion and study I am being challenged again to the importance of sound doctrine. This came about for me in the last two years as pastor of a small church. Basically people were leaving the church, calling me and emailing me with things that could not be supported in the Scriptures. It wasn't long before I end up in a "Systematic Theology" class at C.I.U. under Dr. Larry Dixon. For me that was the beginning of understanding why the basics of Bible doctrine are so critical today in the church.

I have included a short clip that Rick Warren is preaching regarding our responsibility with finances. He uses the analogy that Bill Gates calls us up one day and says I am going to adopt you. So far the analogy works because we have been adopted into the family of God by faith in Christ. Then Warren goes on to say the following, Bill Gates decides to share his entire estate with you BUT only after you have been tested with a little of the money to see how you handle it. What? Does the back half of this analogy work as it relates to the gospel? The answer to that question is NO! The gospel is a free gift and there is nothing you can do nor that you will ever do to be deserving of eternal life in heaven. For those of you tracking with me this week on the blog I am looking at current popular preaching. And many people like what they hear because they have no idea what the Bible says. If it looks good, sounds good and makes them feel like singing kum-by-ya and drinking hot chocolate then it must be good.

Check out this audio clip (thanks to Extreme Theology and Fighting for the Faith, which is where I obtained it)
Rick Warren - is this a law based gospel?