Monday, October 20, 2008

Reveal Conference at Willow Creek

Some of you may remember that in 2007 the senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, Bill Hybels made a rather astonishing statement at the Summit Conference. It was at this conference that Hybels told the group that during the last 30 years of ministry they (leadership) had made a big mistake. He went on to say that many of the mature and growing Christians left Willow Creek due to lack of in depth Bible study and discipleship. I am paraphrasing but that almost covers his basic statement. Well this year they had the Reveal Conference with all the new data and plans of how to go forward in ministry.

Chris Rosebrough who was at the conference and did live blogging gives a review of the conference. If you are a big fan of Willow Creek and how they are proposing to move forward you might not want to listen to this review. However this is the kind of information that the main stream evangelical church needs to hear and understand the dangerous horizon. Willow Creek has and will have a huge influence on evangelical ministry in this country. They will produce millions of dollars of training material that will infiltrate many churches at many different levels. If you want to hear the entire review from Chris then click on this LINK.

If you want the right to the point review then listen right here.