Friday, August 15, 2008

Basic Christianity 101

1. God does everything that He does for His own glory. And in the Bible there is much support for this statement but for now just think it over. God is constantly in the business of displaying and magnifying Himself.

2. Since God does it this way, He in fact preserves for mankind the best thing that we could ever have or want which is Himself. Because God is the one thing and the only thing in the universe that can genuinely scratch the itch in the soul of man.

3. God does not just offer but rather demands that we rejoice, delight and be satisfied in Him!

The overarching strategy in life is to have a clear understanding of God's "why" or His purpose as we come to the Bible. It only make sense that we should align ourselves and our lives under the plumb line of His purpose. Therefore our objective is live daily, in such a way, that when people in our sphere of influence here us speak and watch us act, they see a demonstration of the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Pastor B. - "The Glory of God"