Thursday, December 27, 2007

The Lord Jesus and a new camera

Our family went on a trip to New York in December. Those of you that have visited this site are seeing lots of evidence of that from the pictures. Well that is exactly the story I want to share with you. On December 16 I had the privilege of preaching at Pierpont Baptist Church in Charleston, SC. The message that day was "Do you know this Jesus". I am convinced that many in the evangelical church know the Jesus they learned about from their parents and Sunday School teachers but not necessarily the Jesus of the Bible.

Anna came home a couple of days before our trip and noticed that I had a new camera. It was one that she had researched and actually wanted for Christmas. When I told her that I had it only for a few days she said "Dad do you know what you have?" Of course I knew it was a camera but I was to find out it was NOT just a camera it was "the" camera. Anna said "give me the camera and I will be back in a little while". So I turned the camera over to my daughter and 30 minutes later I was amazed. She went outside and started taking pictures with detail and color like I had never seen from what I thought was a basic camera. The more she showed me the more excited I became. Until finally I said "give me my camera and be careful this is very valuable". Ironically before she introduced me to all the features and abilities it was just an ordinary camera. But after that I was so thrilled that I have been taking pictures like a wild man ever since.

Do you get the point? If we would only introduce the Lord Jesus to those around us like Anna introduced me to this new camera. How often are people waking up and running to their Bibles to hear from Him and study about Him. The Lord Jesus should be such a prize and value that we can't wait to have Him show up and "develop" our lives into His likeness.

Well just to show you my excitement I decided to share some of the photos.