Friday, December 28, 2007

Where is the "emergent church movement" heading and what does it believe?

Depart from Scripture, You Depart from God and a Reverence for Him
...a few certain thoughts about the ECM

“For My hand made all these things,
Thus all these things came into being,”
declares the LORD.
“But to this one I will look,
To him who is humble and contrite of spirit,
and who trembles at My word."
-Isaiah 66:2

Legalism and the ECM
The ECM in their search for significance within a postmodern culture has left behind the "old paths" rather than maintaining them. In their striving to figure out how to do church in our day, I think that they are creating their own legalism--a postmodern arrogant cultural relevance legalism that says the gospel will have meager effect if not contextualized and the church will have little growth or impact if it doesn't adapt to culture.

Temporal vs Eternal
Emergent Christianity guts the faith to appeal to culture; and their myopic view of the kingdom of God predisposes them to be more concerned with the temporal, than the eternal.

The ECM has two Fundamental Flaws:

* 1.) a lack of reverence for God and His Word; and
* 2.) the unquenchable need to contextualize the Christian faith in adapting it to culture.

This is gangrenous to authentic Christianity. Erosion of the truth always begins with the subtle wandering away off the path of the essentials of the faith.

Copied from Camponthis blog site

PS - Former members of the Shepherd's Church this is why it is so important that you know, embrace and learn to practically live out your Bible doctrine. It is the very thing that Charles Spurgeon was so adamant about during his last years. The church didn't know the doctrines of the Bible, they stopped allowing the Bible to be the rule of faith they lived by and the preaching became pragmatic.