Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The meaning of Christmas

Is your theology God centered or man centered?
Did Christ come primarily to save me from my sins?
Or did Christ come ultimately to restore the glory of God that had been violated, besmirched and trampled on by mankind?

We are so Americanized in our hearing of the gospel. So at Christmas we read the story of Christ and His incarnation as a babe in a manger and we think about ourselves. Jesus came to save me, Jesus came to save me - the Christian life is about me, me, me! Will this culture please stop making the gospel primarily about us and make it about Him. Jesus came in order that He might remove every obstacle in the way of mankind that keeps him from exalting, praising and ultimately delighting in God!

This year read the story regarding the birth of our Lord Jesus and think about the incredible value and worth of God.