Friday, May 16, 2008

Black or White - it works!

This is a part 2 post from the other day titled "Mac" attack. It occurred to me when I went to the Apple store at South Park they made the decision to buy very simple. I needed a laptop because the other one I had crashed. So I was prepared to talk the various aspects of computer language that you need when dealing a technology whiz kid. But when I arrived at the store there were only two options:
1. MacBook (White)
2. MacBook Pro (Black)

Here is the song used in the advertisement for the Air Mac. (I love the song)

How simple and effective is that kind of selling and choice making as to a computer? In our post-modern, multi choice have it any way that you want it world, I could either chose a white notebook or a black notebook. Think about it, in the Apple world of laptops you can either get a black or a white.
If apple can get away with that then how about the church? Why can't the church talk about the Bible, the inspired word of God as either black or white? Instead in the modern day church if you ask a typical pastor his favorite color you will probably hear the word "plaid." Come on folks, let's move back to the cry of the Reformation "we will only believe and do what the Bible says." The Bible is to be interpreted in a way that we strive to understand what the author meant by what he wrote. And contrary to popular post-modern preaching and teaching there is absolute truth in the word of God and we are called NOT to question it but to obey it! When you get a chance look at the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount that Jesus gave in Matthew 7. At the conclusion He presents:
1. Two gates (wide and narrow)
2. Two trees (good and bad)
3. Two houses (built on rock or sand)

It is obvious that from the standpoint of the Lord Jesus there is black and white. Bottom line there is absolute truth and for those who think differently try this experiment. Set up you desk in the middle of interstate 485 and see if your encounter with an 18 wheeler is absolute or relative. A person can reject the word of God and be in constant disobedience and spend an eternity in hell or God can open the heart and one can receive Christ as treasure and obey Him from delight not duty and enjoy eternal life. It's very simple and the choice is black or white NOT plaid.