Monday, May 12, 2008

A study in Philippians

We have a men's Bible study that meets on Tuesday mornings. At the present time we are focused on Philippians 1:27-2:11. Here are some notes that I recently sent out to the guys.

Hey guys,

As we continue in our study of Philippians 1:27-2:11 the main focus will be that of the cross. How much joy could there be at the cross? Well we read in Hebrews 12:2 - fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
I once heard a pastor say that when you come to Christ as Savior and Lord you get two things:
1. A Cross
2. Eternal Life

The progression of thought in Philippians 1:27-2:11 seems to break down the following way:
- Unity
- Humility
- Exaltation

First the apostle Paul proclaims the importance of unity in the body and then he explains it. In the explanation of unity there are three the apostle Paul brings out:
1. The MOTIVES of unity

* encouragement in Christ
* consolation of love
* fellowship of the Spirit
* affection and compassion

2. The MARKS of unity

* being of the same mind
* maintaining the same love
* united in spirit
* intent on one purpose

3. The MEANS of unity

* Do nothing from selfishness
* Do nothing from empty conceit
* Humility of mind
* Regard one another as more important than yourself

Since the apostle Paul is talking about unity which is the end then what are the means by which these Philippians may attain that for their joy?
Well the answer to that is shown under number 3 which is titled the "means of unity." This would be the "HOW"

But what is the litmus test that Paul applies to this group in order to know as to whether or not it is happening?
Well the answer to that is shown under number 2 which is titled the "marks of unity." This would be the "WHAT"

And if we want to know what should motivate us to the end through the means and the marks then all we need to do is look at the "motives of unity."
Refer back to number 1 and these would be the "WHY."

It might seem as if the Philippians don't need further explanation but now the apostle Paul puts on the scuba diving equipment and goes even deeper.
He now starts to address the means to this kind of UNITY come in two distinct aspects:
1. Humiliation
2. Exaltation

Wow! Isn't that the essence of what we see as a result of the cross of our Lord Jesus? Therefore shouldn't this be the result of our lives that are united
to Him? And therefore shouldn't this be the result of the lives within the body of Christ in the local church. Each person is united to one another at the cross!
It is at the cross that we as the body:

* being of the same mind
* maintaining the same love
* united in spirit
* intent on one purpose

Well that is where we are going tomorrow in our study - the principles of humiliation and exaltation which becomes the means to genuine unity that lead to ultimate
life changing joy in Christ!
