Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Preaching about sin

When is the last time you heard a message on sin? Do you remember the first message that Jesus preached in Mark 1:15? It was as follows:
"The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" You might say repent of what? Friends repent of your sin, the very thing that you have exchanged in lieu of the glory of God.

From Francis Turretin blog site he writes:

In the clip above, Paul Washer preaches a short but powerful message from Scripture on the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell.

It's really a simple set of syllogisms:

1. All men are sinners;

2. You are a man;

3. Therefore, you are a sinner.

4. All sinners deserve death;

5. You are a sinner;

6. Therefore, you deserve death.

7. There is one way to be saved, namely by faith in Christ alone for salvation;

8. If you have not believed on Christ alone for salvation, you are still under condemnation;

9. Therefore, believe: repent of your sins and trust in Christ alone for salvation. For there is no other way to be saved. Your works will not save you: they will only render you more guilty. Your will cannot save you: it is the slave of your desires. Only God can save you: therefore, trust in Him! Turn to Him in repentance, and beg Him for mercy, aware of the heinousness of your sins, and the justice of hell that you deserve.