Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mega Church Preaching "101"

If you want to have a large growing church then here is what and how you need to preach. Though this only occupies 46 seconds it won't take you long to learn the style and content. There is no longer any need for deep growth in God's word and discipleship. Just bring your friends, neighbors and family members to hear this evangelistic message. This is the truth spoken in love - right? In the last few seconds he mentions that he isn't normally this mean but his wife is out of town. Don't those words sound similar to Adam in the garden when he blamed Eve for sin that he was responsible?

Recently I attended a conference where Dr. John MacArthur talked about this "new" message that is now so popular in the emerging church movement. Folks in the new "mega-church" you don't need to read or study your Bibles you just need to go out there and live Christ out in front of everyone you meet. Also bring them to this kind of church service with energetic music and solid Bible teaching that tells them to get off their fat butts.