Thursday, May 22, 2008

The fruit of easy believism

From the CT blog site:
Everyone seems to want an easy way to heaven nowadays. They want salvation without repentance, religion without a cross, and redemption without a cost. This is exactly what the modern evangelical church has been selling for decades, and we are starting to bear the fruit of this disaster.

There is a disturbing trend among young evangelicals in regards to the commandments of God as well as an attention to sound doctrine. It is a trend that has been noticed by the campaign of one Barrack Obama, who disguises his heretical liberation theology as Orthodox Christianity while his Biblically inept followers buy his message of “hope” hook, line, and sinker. Consider the following.

Obama's 'Big Cross' Flier Hits Kentucky

"“McCain doesn’t want to talk about his faith all that much,” Brody said. “Barack Obama is comfortable talking about that. … He’s speaking evangelical talk, so to speak, and that resonates.”

Brody says Obama is trying to woo moderate evangelical voters away from McCain. He noted that Obama is not going after the old-guard evangelicals, but younger, more moderate evangelicals that will not automatically reject him because of his support for abortion and gay rights.

Obama was endorsed by a major pro-choice group last week, and his campaign says he “respects” the California Supreme Court decision to overturn the state’s ban on gay “marriage,” according to Fox News."

Like it or not, this speaks volumes about the young evangelicals being turned out by the church growth movement. Caught up in easy-believism, these professing Christians have little consideration for the government’s bloodthirsty slaughter of unborn babies or state supported perversion of marriage. The things that grieve the heart of God fail to register in the countenance of these unconverted evangelicals, who cannot tell the kingdom of Christ from that of Caesar.

The cause of this trend has its roots in the methodology of the modern “church growth movement”, which gets caught up in numbers at the expense of truth. Unsatisfied with Biblical worship, they have replaced it with entertainment. Unsatisfied with the preaching of the Word, they have replaced it with short anecdotes and feel-good motivational speeches. Unsatisfied with Biblical doctrine, they have replaced it with pop-psychology. Unsatisfied with Biblical discipleship, which includes “teaching to observe all things”, they have replaced it with behavioral modification techniques; and all for the sake of “churching the unchurched”. The problem: The unchurched are simply joining the church without being converted. The church’s “big tent” philosophy is as dangerous as it is unbiblical.

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14)

The main problem with the church growth movement is that they are trying to attract goats into the church by offering them goat food, and hoping that this will somehow turn them into sheep. The results are that the church is full of goats, or at best, malnourished sheep.

So what is the solution? We must return to preaching sound biblical doctrine (sheep food) that has the capability of converting souls, “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” (1 Peter 4:17). Of course, we may have to suffer a little loss in the area of church growth, but a few true converts will be much better than many false ones.