Saturday, May 31, 2008

You might be radical for Christ if...

If you find yourself talking to the Lord Jesus more than to your family

If you find yourself wanting to read your Bible instead of watching television

If your Bibles must be replaced in less than a year due to pages separating from the spine

If you’ve muted a Thanksgiving football game because it’s interfering with your family discussion of Ephesians 1

If your children never ask you “Where are we going?” on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night

If you purchased an MP3 player with the sole purpose of downloading sermons

If you have adjusted the default passage setting at

If your preacher says to turn to Obadiah and you do not use the index

If you think a 50-minute sermon is too short

If you start applauding and shouting "AMEN" when the pastor says for the next 3 months he will be in Romans 9

If you see 6:37 on a digital clock and think of the Lord Jesus’ words in John

Yeah, you just might be a radical Christian!